The weather might be stormy tonight, will there be a movie shown?
Please know that the safety of our customers comes first. Movies can still be seen during rain, but living in Oklahoma we know many times the rain is accompanied by other weather concerns. We watch the weather and radars carefully anytime dangerous weather could be an issue during a showing. Any cancellation announcement would be made as soon as possible on our website and Facebook page, or during the movie if it happens after a show has already begun.
Why won’t you publish a movie schedule for the month? Why can’t you play rated R movies?
We are a small, second-run theater. Meaning we are only open a limited number of days in a week, therefore we do not get first pick when a new movie comes out. Most of the time we will not be able to get a movie until after it has been out 2 weeks, but even then we are not guaranteed any movie until the Monday before the weekend we want to show it. We try to publish the movie we will show as quickly as possible, at latest we advertise it on our website and Facebook by Monday afternoon.
We do limit the movies we show to G, PG and PG-13, as we pride ourselves in being a family-friendly establishment. But we are not limited to animated movies only.
Can we bring outside food?
We do not search cars for contraband food, be we do ask that you keep in mind…. Our concessions stand is how we stay open. We try to keep stocked with all the essentials… buttery popcorn, candy, hand patted hamburgers, walking tacos, and more. By supporting us and purchasing items from the concession stand, you make it worth our time to keep bringing a unique, fun, old-time form of family entertainment to the next generation.
Do you take debit/credit cards?
YES we do! Ticket booth and concession stand can accept cards as well as cash.
How long are you open?
Our season will vary slightly from year to year, but generally we open late March/ early April until the end of October.
How can we hear the movie?
You are welcome to bring lawn chairs and utilize our speakers near the concession stand. Or you can listen through your car radio on station 94.5 FM (please run your radio without your car lights on). You can bring a battery-operated boom box from home if you will be bringing a car with no working radio, or if you have someone in your party who may struggle to hear.
We now offer battery-operated radios at the concession stand. $20 deposit with a $15 refund upon return of the radio in working order.
Can we bring our pet to the show?
As long as your animal does not make a lot of noise or do things to interrupt the experience for those around you, they are welcome here.